Toxic Heritage: Post-Industrial Sites and the Unspoken Stories of Environmental Harm. An online talk by Liz Kryder-Reid (Indiana University School of Liberal Arts)

Levant Mine in Cornwall

Focusing on heritage sites in the US and UK, this talk examines the public memory of environmental harm, particularly in post-industrial sites. While narratives lauding industrial accomplishments and celebrating workers are well-known, less studied are accounts of industrial legacies of environmental harm. This research investigates the ways in which harmful impacts are presented, and explores […]

Decommissioning the 20th century: community, heritage and planning in decommissioned energy sites. An online talk by Katrina Navickas, Matthew Kelly, Ian Waites and Ben Anderson

This talk will present the historical and heritage contexts for the AHRC funded Landscape Decisions project, ‘Decommissioning the 20th century: energy landscapes, heritage and community’, and current work in progress. The project aims to establish a new role for local communities in decommissioning large industrial facilities. As the UK aims to achieve a zero-carbon economy, […]

Heritage-based tribalism in big data ecologies. An online talk by Chiara Bonacchi (University of Stirling)

This seminar examines heritage-based tribalism emerging in ecosystems of ‘distributed’ ‘practices and relations’ that underpin ‘big data’ (Ruppert 2016). Although it may be argued that conflict and tribalism are intrinsically human, the neo-tribe is a useful heuristic to examine how heritage is used to activate exclusionary identities on social media. People have found solace and […]