An opinion piece on the use of urban heritage sites
Urban heritage sites are a bit of an oddity. They do not fit into the cast of characters such as castles and country houses no one lives in that you have to pay extortionate prices to get in.
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Urban heritage sites are a bit of an oddity. They do not fit into the cast of characters such as castles and country houses no one lives in that you have to pay extortionate prices to get in.
Wales has a long history of fishing. In South Wales this is clearer than anywhere else. Tenby was among the earliest and most noteworthy Welsh
In 2022, Rebecca Bangera undertook a SPIN internship program while pursuing my Masters in Childhood Studies at Swansea University. Through the university’s Paid Internship Network (SPIN) students are connected to employers across all sectors for four week graduate level internships.
As part of my MA in history degree at Swansea University, I was offered the amazing opportunity of a work placement with CHART.
I have always had a fascination with history and storytelling. I was most fixated on the people of the past and their individual stories.